Angel Wings

IMPACT Youth Groups give you angel wings to help abandoned children from Romania


Fundrasing project to build foster house for abandoned children in Romania


1. The problem we try to solve

About 60 abandoned children between 3 and 17 years old from Oradea, Romania are living in residential institution called Centrul de Plasament 2, where they don’t have proper care service they need, live in mixed big group, without family frame, care and worm. For this reason, the children face several risks, like delinquency, self-development problems, community inclusion, and many others, that conclude they would need new home, family frame, as foster house, for maximum 12 children in a house, is close age group. To solve the problem, we need to build 4 family foster houses.


2. Project goal:

“Angel Wings” Project tries to prevent social exclusion and bring family care, worm, proper education and protection for 12 abandoned children from Placement Center 2, Oradea, Bihor, Romania.


3. Project general objectives:

  • Fundraise to build a foster house in Metropolitan Aria of Oradea, Bihor, Romania, as family frame home for 12 abandoned children in Placement Center 2 Oradea, involving local and international community;
  • Develop local network to provide quality community care in 4 foster houses, involving local authorities, local community and children organizations.


4. Target group of the project:

12 abandoned children between 3 and 10 years old from Oradea, Romania from those 60 abandoned children that living in residential institution called Placement Centre no.2, where they don’t have proper care service they need, live in mixed big group, without family frame, care and worm.


5. Project initiative group:

A number of 5 IMPACT Children and Youth groups from different 5 schools from Oradea with about 50 members, run the project and try to involve the community for active participation in order to fundraise and help to build one foster house of 4 the children would need to move in.


6. Project calendar:

February 2018 – Starting the project

June 2018 – first foster house stone ceremony

September 2018 – starting to build the house

Septembrie 2019 – Opening the house


7. Estimated budget

100000 euro/house (only for direct costs to build it)


8. Project partners:

Asociația Filantropia Oradea

Bihor County Council Children Protection Department

Parish of ”Sf.Dimitry” Oradea, that offer the land to build on

Christian Foreword South Asia USA


9. How you can involve:


People personal involvement:

  • Direct Debit Program (monthly payment by automatic bank transfer of small donations, starting with 5 USD or 5 euro); for details click hire;
  • Donate in project account by unique bank transfer; for details click hire;
  • Organizing small private events for the cause fundraise and transfer the unique donation to the Project Bank account; for details click hire;


For companies:

  • Donate in project account by unique bank transfer; for details click hire;
  • Organizing small private company events for the cause fundraise and transfer the unique donation to the Project Bank account; for details click hire;
  • Corporate Social Responsibility project, that involve company employee;
  • Promoting fundrase boxes in public relation points of the company;
  • Organize working champ in Romania for helping to build the house and bring funds from partner companies and participant emplyees;


10. Project bank details:


Account holder:        Asociația Filantropia Oradea

Account IBAN:          RO11RNCB0032110205020008

Bank name:             Banca Comercială Română

Branch:                      Oradea, Romania

Swift:                          RNCB RO BU



11. Transparency statement

  • The project use unique bank accout;
  • Project use monthly bank account public report. To view the bank account please click hire


12. Project visibility:

Project facebook page:


Project contact details:

In USA: Christians Forward - Southeast Asia

Contact person: Anne L. Press

Phone: 623-261-1934



In Romania: Asociația Filantropia Oradea

Contact person: Laurențiu Lazăr

mobile: 0744/64 78 25



Evenimente speciale

Ceainăria FilantropiaCursa Ratustelor

Parohii active

Filantropia in parohii

Preoti capelani în spitale

Preoți capelani în penitenciare și armată


Centru de resurse al Filantropiei Oradea

Programul de sprijinire al copilului si al familiei

Programul de sprijinire al persoanelor cu dizabilitati

Programul de integrare comunitara a rromilor

Programul de educatie si tineret

Programul de volutariat si initiativa

Programul de mercenat si sponsorizare

Proiecte in derulare

Formare Trainică Pentru Parteneriat Social